Attacking Life with Comedic Jaws of Sarcasm. Recovering Dating & Relationship Blogger - Made it to Step 12 When I Got Married.

If He Knows What is Good For Him He Best Go Run and Hide

The other night I was walking home, and was within two blocks of my house. I saw three kids, about 15, 16 years old, on bikes, riding the opposite way past me. I was on the sidewalk. They were in the street. Out of the corner of my eye I saw one of the kids whisper something to the others as he looked at me. Not good. My senses went up. I walked faster to get to the intersection just ahead. As I got to the corner, I turned around. One of the kids had ducked away from his friends and was within inches of me, just next to the arm that was holding my bag. I know what you’re doing motherfucker.

When he realized I saw him, he had a brief look of shock on his face and nodded at me. I don’t think he was expecting me to know he was there. Then he doubled back, deciding to ride on sidewalk on the side of the street we were on instead of the sidewalk to which we were crossing. He and I continued, each on our own side of the street, staring at each other, waiting to see what the other one was going to do. My adrenaline was pumping. I was pissed, there’s nothing I hate more than a thief. Nothing. I almost dared him to do something. He’s alone, he’s younger than me, and sans weapon or backup from his friends, I could probably beat his thieving fucking ass if it came down to it. Kids these days are pumped full of McDonald’s. Hardly a match for my Protein Shakes and routine ass kicking at my gym. He came up to the next block before I did, I saw him do a U-turn in the street, right in front of a cop, and sped off the way he came, toward his friends.

I walked clear across the intersection and told the cop what had just happened. He took off in their direction. I can guarantee he probably didn’t catch them, for we’ve learned that the roaches can outsmart the D.C. Cops on their best day.

So, what told me I was about to be mugged? Yes, I grew up in Connecticut but we spent every weekend in New York in the 70’s and 80’s, pre-Giuliani, when crime was rampant. I have the Hudson River in my blood, and I can sense when I’m in danger. These kids didn’t belong in this neighborhood. They acted suspicious. When people eye you and start whispering, you are being talked about. When one abandons his other friends and follows you coming within inches of you, yeah. Feel it. You are about to be mugged. Unlike many of the faces I pass each day and evening, I’ve never seen these kids before. I had to ask myself as I continued walking home if I would have felt the same way if the kids were white. Yeah. I would have. They acted suspicious and that was what made me worried. Then I asked myself if I could have been wrong. Sure, but it’s a slim chance. Did I “profile” them because of their race, age and behavior? Yup. I sure did. Call it racism, but it saved me from being mugged. And frankly I’d listen to my senses again if it’s going to save me from getting hurt.

Believe me, I wish we could all just get along. I am a true believer in every word in John Lennon’s “Imagine.” I wrote a grad school paper on that song. But I’m not a bleeding heart and I know that this will never happen. I’m realistic. I see that there’s a lot of resent in all directions, across all races, and I know we will never see a day without racism and hate. I refuse to contribute to that sort of hate, but I know how things work and I get that as the white, upper middle class female, I have to be aware of other’s hatred of me and what I stand for in their eyes. That puts me in a position to be victimized. Do I cringe or brace myself because someone approaches me who “looks dangerous?” Nope. I cringe and brace myself because I know that that person, of another race, may have been trained to hate me, and may just do something about it.

I carry mace with me. And the next time someone fucks with me, they aren’t going to be pleased. But, I dare them. If the cops can’t clean up the streets, it’s up to the rest of us.


  1. Lucky

    Someone needs to watch this

  2. Velvet

    Damn do I miss Tim Meadows on SNL.

  3. homeimprovementninja

    You’ve had a rough past couple of months. You taking your rage out on him would be like Waterboy releasing his rage all on one punk.

    Anyway, I don’t think you’re being racist. Usually when someone gets mugged or something, they sensed something was up but they ignore their own judgment.

    Great title, too. Sublime’s gotz some great songs.

  4. Barbara

    Unfortunately not every young woman is as street-smart as you obviously are. It’s a shame all people have to be so vigilant these days. But without vigilance you could easily end up dead. Look at that recent murder at 15th and S. In addition to kids who are just petty thieves, there are some real crazies running around in what used to be relatively safe areas of the city.

  5. Dara

    Like other things — it’s all about trusting your instincts. If something feels wrong, it probably is.

  6. Ashburnite

    Good for you. I’m glad you stared the kid down. And it doesn’t make you racist at all- you didn’t recognize him, he was acting shady, and you got the feeling he was going to mug you- has nothing to do with race.
    and “Kids these days are pumped full of McDonalds” …amen to that. I truly think McDonald’s is pure evil.

  7. Ruth

    Mace sounds good. They should give it to all women, gratis. Yikes, eh?!

  8. Carrie

    I don’t think you’re racist, though I do think you’re putting too much into his race and less on what his actions were. If he had just been a 15 year old black kid on bikes with friends and had not whispered about you, circled back around to follow you or do everything else he did, you likely wouldn’t have even paid him any attention. That isn’t racist. And you didn’t profile him because of his race. However if you still would have been wary of him even without his suspicious actions simply because he was black, well then that is racist and profiling him based solely on his race. If you are suspicious of someone simply based on race, then that is unfortunate, but I think more common than most people would admit. It’s just when you’re crossing the street to avoid a black kid that you’re mugged by the destitute white man you weren’t even paying attention to.

    I don’t think you are wrong because I think its likely you wouldn’t have been suspicious of this kid if he hadn’t been acting suspicious to begin with. I’m not sure I wouldn’t have acted that way regardless of his race.

  9. Washington Cube

    Your urban radar was in place and it worked. When I go into rural isolation, out by the sea, I have the locals laugh at me because I continue to lock my car and house (something none of them do,) but my explanation is when you’ve been ingrained from city birth to be watchful, you don’t turn around and drop that pattern just because you shift locale. You computed rapidly and it added up, Miss V.

  10. cosmic shambles

    F politically correct behavior. Sure we have our share of white-trash here in Baltimore, but the fact is MOST of the violent crime in the city is perpetrated by black males. Racial profiling exists for a reason, it’s our basic instinct for survival. When a zebra sees a lion, it runs. (Notice how a brought some racial harmony in with the zebra reference?)

    When I see a gang of black kids on the street, I follow my instincts and walk on the other side. Could my assumptions be incorrect? Sure, but I would rather be wrong and alive. And guess what? My black friends DO THE SAME THING!

    Socio-Economic factors… poor education… lack of proper parenting? Whatever… safety comes first. You did the right thing. Well, except reporting to the cop which was a total waste of your time.

  11. Pam

    I’m so glad you posted this. I understand your points and agree with them wholeheartedly.

    I live in CT – I’m in grad school and “multiculturalism” is a HUGE part of the education there. I really struggle with it. In class we’ve talked about profiling and how some people who drive certain cars in certain neighborhoods get stopped at 2 am. All the liberals in class think it’s wrong to do this.

    I’m the only one who says, Well….is there an actual REASON for it? Have you actually considered there may be crimes occurring at that time and these are the types of people who do it (whatever those types may be)?

    The answer I get is, well i went to school with snotty little white rich kids who had drugs. Okay… AND WHERE DO YOU THINK THEY GOT THEM???

    Can you say “Willimantic – heroin capital of CT”???

    Anyway, I’ll get off my soapbox now. I appreciate your post. Thanks.

  12. Sweet

    You’re not the only one something like this has happened to recently. Check out what happened to this blogger (

    It’s kids! So crazy.

  13. Sweet

    Damn link didn’t work. Try this

  14. Alejandra

    I’m with you on this one too… I know that feeling. I’d say that I feel safe in this neighborhood about 95 percent of the time–even during the “crime emergency,” but there are those nights when my radar just goes off. I’d rather be accused of racism than of ignoring my instincts.

    On a different subject, I’m glad you’re not the one I burned with my cig–I wouldn’t want you as my enemy…

  15. Bill

    When you see behavior that seems out of character or menacing, it’s smart to go on alert. It’s not about race, it’s about people who look like they’ve got nowhere to go, nothing to do, and just maybe less respect for you than for what’s in your purse. And you never know when they might be pumped full of something worse than McDonald’s. You did the right thing.

  16. KM

    This probably isn’t helping the home side in the DC vs. AZ game, is it?

  17. imstilldreaming

    As a female, when I walk alone I generally cross the street whenever I see a group of males. Doesn’t matter what race they are. And it doesn’t matter if it makes me looks bitchy or paranoid. I’d rather look bitchy and paranoid than be mugged or raped.

  18. Tacoma, washington!

    I’ve been looking into racism quite a bit lately. And I don’t think you were being racist. I’m sure 99% of black people would have had the same feeling and if they were smart made the same moves.
    But people are tribal, and racism is like- a natural state- that we can get out of by being in normal everyday contact with people who don’t look like us from a young age. And being aware of when we’re judging unfairly.
    What I really worry about are those White Guys in suits who roam the halls of Corperate America, those mo-fos will steal you blind. White people and their corperate crime.
    I really need to get over that racism. I should hang out with more white guys in suits, understand that they’re like me. Only with more money.

  19. Erika

    I liked your post and I basically agree with what everyone is saying; I don’t think you reacted because of their race but rather their actions. But please reconsider the part that you could beat up some guy if it came down to that — it could get you really hurt. The average man is stronger than even a very fit woman. Also you never know if someone is carrying a knife.

  20. Velvet

    I have a knack for posting these incendiary, controversial things then running out for lunch. I can’t believe I just got back and there’s this much commentary. Crazy. It’s obviously something that hits home for a lot of us.

    Ninja – Aah. The Waterboy. Is there nothing we can’t learn from Adam Sandler? And really on the having a hunch thing? I thought most people who were mugged didn’t see it coming – either they were approached from behind or didn’t suspect that person would do that to them.

    Barbara – Yeah, the city seems to be getting worse. I’m concerned about that murder at 15th and S because it is so close to where I live, but what can we do? The neighborhood has been gentrifed. Are they trying to take it back? And by the way, this is the reason I usually don’t carry a purse. It’s just too many eggs in the basket. I shove my money and license in my jeans pocket, and carry my keys, clip the phone to my pants like I’m still at work, and there you go.

    Dara – But then I second guess myself. Am I just panicking because the kid looks suspicious? And that makes me sick to my stomach. I don’t cross streets when just anyone is approaching. I’m surprised actually that his friends didn’t join him, though I expected them to come to help shortly.

    Ash – I just watched Supersize Me! I think that’s where that came from!

    Ruth – I buy my mace on Ebay! But there it’s called “pepper spray.” HA!

    Carrie – You’re right. I didn’t pay them any mind until I caught the whispering. I didn’t expect to see him behind me when I got to the light. I was truly surprised to see him just at my shoulder. He snuck up very quietly. He knew what he was doing. But so did I. I was walking back home kicking myself though, because of the mere action of suspecting him, and two black men emerged from a townhouse giggling and telling some joke. And I breathed a sigh of relief, because I realized that these men presented no threat to me and I didn’t fear them. It confirmed for me that it was in fact, the action, not the race.

    Cube – I know, when I go to the burbs I don’t lock my car. It’s sort of nice to realize that I don’t have to worry about that, though I guess you do have to be concerned everywhere these days.

    Cosmic – Damn I love you. That cop is sitting somewhere right now eating his donut wondering what he was supposed to be on his way to do. What a joke. The way I was storming across the intersection like a rabid animal, he should have known I was in trouble. He didn’t even try to drive up to me. Dick. And a gang of kids – black or white, and I’d cross the street. There is strength in numbers, and one bad seed can encourage the rest to do something criminal.

    Pam – Aah, another Connecticutter. Well, hello! About the liberal thing, DC is full of them. What I’ve found is that many are hypocrites, so I tune out. I find it hilarious that many are like, “Oh we have to help the poor” but are hard pressed to give a homeless person a dollar. Sigh. I didn’t know Willimantic was full of drugs. Wow.

    Sweet – I read that. Nuts! But even nuttier? How fast the cops in Landover responded to the calls. Are they kidding? Do we need to trade DC cops for some PG County cops?

    Alejandra – I have felt safe in Dupont for the entire time I’ve lived here. Until now. This past month. I also had some guy ride his bike into me on purpose last week, I haven’t posted that yet, but, it’s so weird. Like the heat brings out all the criminals because they don’t have a/c at home.

    Bill – Thanks for the champagne and roses you little devil! The bloggers appreciated it!

    KM – Nope. It sure isn’t.

    I’m still dreaming – Too true. I’d much rather be a bitch than a raped bitch. Unless of course that action is going to incite their anger to then commit a crime. It’s a tough call. Mace is the way to go since we can’t carry guns. Christ. Useless city.

    Tacoma – I’m wondering about the same race crime thing too. If I was a black male or female that these kids tried to do this to, would my reaction be different? Would it be more anger than fear? Being viewed as a criminal has always been a sensitive topic among the black race, so for those who have crimes committed against them by members of their own race, do they get even more pissed? The white guys in suits? Robbing people blind as well. Just not in as violent a method. Usually.

  21. elvis

    Some observations:
    (1) you live in the capital of a nation of 300 Mil people. I’m actually surprised that this doesn’t happen more often.
    (2) In Paris (capital of country of only 60 Mil), you will have white people approach you, ask you for time while their children try to pickpocket you.
    (3) In Rome (capital of country of only 58 Mil), you will have white women approach you who will try to pickpocket you.
    (4) In Amsterdam, you will lose all kinds of money in a crowded Tram (surrounded by mostly white people) or in a hotel room.

    You see bad people. Least your sixth sense works.

  22. Scarlet

    I like how W. Cube called it “urban radar”…that’s perfect.

  23. Velvet

    Erika – Well, it wasn’t a guy, it was a kid. And I did say without weapons or his friends. I’m a tough chick, tougher than most. I kickboxed for years, not in a 5:30 aerobics studio, but with an actual Sensei who taught me how to kick some serious ass. If the kid was unarmed, it would have been a good fight, that’s for sure.

    Elvis – It’s cause our cops are so good…oh. Wait.

  24. Bill

    HH just goes to show, Velvet, that not everyone plotting evil is a teen, black, or riding a bicycle.

  25. Velvet

    I don’t get it. What happened at HH that was evil plotting?

  26. Matt

    It sounds like the cop saved your ass, by being a visible presence in the neighborhood.

  27. Old Lady

    A person is supposed to be aware of their surroundings, at all times. This one trait can save many people from getting mugged. A person’s “spidey” sense is the most important and yours was working. People of all races commit crimes and people of all races are victims of crime. If it is unusual for you to see what you saw in your neighborhood at the time you saw it then you suspiscions should not be criticized. The fact that they held true does not indicated anything more than you suspected 3 youths of monkey business and how right you were. Thankfully, you were not hurt.

  28. Old Lady

    Boy, next time I will proof read.

  29. Bill

    Velvet – you referred to me as a little devil re the HH goodies, so I referred to the plan to provide them as an evil plot. Opaque. Sorry.

  30. La Whisky

    If more people listened to their “Spidey senses” instead of feeling guilty about suspecting the worst in a person, then perhaps fewer people would end up mugged and beaten. Hm – maybe fewer people would end up in dissatisfying relationships too. Anyways, I was walking the few blocks home from the Tune Inn one night and was followed. I crossed the street three times over a block and a half before the guy decided I was a poor bet.

  31. Velvet

    Matt don’t make me vomit.

    Old Lady – Eh, proofreading not necessary. I got what you were saying. I was prepared for an onslaught of bleeding hearts telling me I was profiling and being a racist.

    Bill – got it!

    La Whisky – This is soooo lame soley because of the source, but once I read in a SEVENTEEN magazine to walk down the middle of the street if you feel you are in danger. It’s not always possible, but I’d rather take my chances flagging down a car than getting mugged in the bushes.

  32. La Whisky

    I took karate for about 18 months (pearl belt! I’M so lame…), and the sensei was very into self-defense for women. She told us that if threatened with violence to act crazy – to wet ourselves, vomit, moo like a cow, and to yell “fire!” to get the attention of others. She also said to get a good look at their shoes as attackers are likely to change/ditch jackets and tops quickly, but not their shoes.

  33. bejeweled

    What’s that old saying, “better safe than sorry”? I’d go with that thinking any day over feeling like I was being racist or profiling someone. It’s your life and well being. Go with your gut. Yeah for the cop being where he was, when he was. Well, sort of!

  34. cosmic shambles

    La Wiskey said: “…wet ourselves, vomit, moo like a cow, and yell fire! to get the attention of others.”

    Damn, I get this reaction from women all the time!

  35. NR

    It’s unfortunate, but stereotypes exist for a reason. It doesn’t make a stereotype right in each case but a lot of Irish like to drink, a lot of cops sit on their asses and eat donuts, and a lot of crime in D.C. is commited by african americans. At its roots is a socioeconomic cause that simply doesn’t exist in many white families and neighborhoods. We don’t make the rules, we just try to keep safe and happy and sometimes we judge a bit quick and sometimes (and it seems this was one of those times) we were right to do so. We’re all glad you’re safe, Velvet. Keep it that way.

  36. CrazyGirl

    Well I am going to go against the norm and say that I think you were being VERY RAC…….. nah I can’t say that. I’m just a clown like that. I think anyone would have felt the same.

  37. QueenofPreen

    I agree with what Carrie says, I think she said it very well regarding that you are putting too much into his race rather than what his actions were. You began your story with “yes they were black” ie; of this is a given… At least, that’s how it read to me. I am glad you did not get hurt. I think it’s extremely important to be mindful of your surroundings and trust your instincts. That’s how we survive. 🙂

    And to NR, is it true that a lot of crime in DC is committed by African Americans?
    Sure. But let’s take a look at the demographics of our region. Out of a populus of roughly 571,641 people living in DC, 343,312 are African American. (176,101 are White.) And stereotypes will exist forever as long as people feed into and treat them as their reality.

    And yes *I* am black!

  38. Velvet

    Whisky – I didn’t know there was a pearl belt! HA! Actually, some of the stuff I learned in kickboxing was not actual technique, but stupid people doing stupid things that got someone else hurt. Then you realize the power you have, you just have to know where to direct it. And making a scene like that doesn’t work in D.C. No one comes to anyone else’s defense here. We are all desensitized.

    Bejeweled – Thank you!

    Cosmic – Hmmm…that’s a shame.

    NR – I do agree with you. It’s unfortunate. I’m Greek and I stereotype my own people as well. I meet a Greek guy and instantly I think he’s a chauvinist. Usually I’m right. It’s just the way we were raised.

    CG – Little beeyotch!

    Queen of Preen – I phrased it like “Yes they were black” because I knew people were going to ask in the comments, not that it was a given. I realized I couldn’t go on in the story without putting that in there. Unfortunately, I find it easier to just know there are stereotypes and be surprised when they prove otherwise. If it keeps me safe, so be it. Though, if the kids on bikes were white, or any other race, I would still have been scared. Though I (maybe naively) don’t know that it is as probable for a white kid to commit a crime against another white person as it would be for a one race to commit against another. That’s where the “hate” part comes in. It exists, it’s rampant and more widespread than I ever imagined. While I open my dating to everyone in the U.N., I don’t necessarily feel that I have to embrace everyone of every race who I don’t know and who might have an agenda for me.

  39. playfulindc

    Is there still a curfiew in DC?

  40. Living in Dupont

    “If the cops cant clean up the streets, its up to the rest of us.” … however unfortunate, I agree entirely. Of course, I don’t own mace, and I’m only 100lbs 5ft tall, but still, I’d do my part.

  41. NR

    Well, Queen of Preen, although there are roughly twice as many African Americans in DC as whites, according to the DOJ black males are more than 5 times more likely to spend time in prison than white males. African American females are more than six times more likely to spend time in prison than white females.

    This isn’t stereotyping this has become statistical fact. I’m comfortable using statistics to influence my decisions. I wish it were different but the average African American is less educated and more likely to live in poverty than a white person. When you’re poor you’re more likely to commit crimes by a fairly large margin. The problem lies in a majority of the African American community nationwide not putting a heavy emphasis on education and self improvement. The high school drop out rate for African Americans is staggering and the percentage of the nationwide community that attends a college or university is low. Once the social and economic issues change for the better in the community people will look over their shoulders.

    Please, don’t take offense to any of this. This is my educated reponse based on my training and education in politics and policy, not on any racism or prejudices.

  42. Raincouver

    Hey NR,

    I get the DOJ pubs by email on a regular basis. Some of them I read but, needless to say, there are too many of them and in the end they only tell half the story. They are meant to give you statistics, facts, and suggestions for policy changes, not a qualification on racial propensity for crime and violence.

    I believe our reaction would be, first and foremost, shaped by our own preconceptions. Note that I choose not to use the often interchangeable word “prejudice”. Education will give you facts, figures, and perhaps an ability to make a refined assessment of a given situation. Experience will be a factor, but the most overriding and determining factor in your reaction, in my humble opinion, is the media. Your facts go out the window, as a negative message is replayed over and over on sensationalist television.

    Now, having said that, it’s not just the media’s fault. As you pointed out, economic and social shortcomings have reinforced the cultural substratum which celebrates “gangsta” life. You need only watch on MTV the “bitches n’hos” videos, and you get the picture loud and clear: we are hopeless, and crime is the only way out.

    In many cases, the situation is NOT hopeless. I, for example, grew up priviliged, but when the money run out in a stock crash, I ended up in the Projects. The memories are vivid: needles, junkies, ambulances. But it’s not about me. It’s about the message sent to the poor, and the celebration of crime culture.

    Whenever I am encountered with Asian, White, or [insert flavor here] kids in “gangsta” attire, I worry. Similarly, if I saw them dressed in Old Navy, I wouldn’t. This is not to say that the latter may have no criminal inclinations or desired. They do not, however, VISIBLY identify themselves with crime culture.

    My belated point is this: yes, we fear the young. The follies of youth are well documented. But we fear the most those symbols of crime, be they clothing, tattoos, haircuts, or any other cultural idiosincracy. I doubt that Velvet feared Old Navy kids, but rather, those who identified themselves with this gangsta culture.

    Pitty those self-defeatists who would cry racism, when people like Bill Cosby only wish to better conditions for the poor, disenfranchised and alienated by society.

  43. upstairs neighbor

    sorry this happened… i just came from jury duty this morning where i had a similar internal debate myself and am feeling a little icky because of it. it’s safe to say that there is no way to really touch on these subjects without feeling a little icky.

  44. Rosie

    I am just delurking to say, wow, cos I too got almost mugged on Friday night, and the only thing that seemed to save me was when the two guys closed in on me, and one of them said, “So what in that handbag of yours?” and the other said “How bout we have a look?”, my reaction was to smile at them. I don’t know why I smiled, perhaps because I’ve been brought up not to show fear to animals, and reacted the same way. They looked surprised, checked each other out, and moved out of my way again.

    Maybe they were just looking to scare a white girl and had no intention of actually commiting a crime. *shrug* I dunno. My heart was racing plenty. London doesn’t feel quite as safe as it used to!

  45. Velvet

    Playful – It’s a good question actually. I heard there was, but I’m not sure if it is city-wide. I may have heard something about in quadrants, but I could be making that up.

    Living in Dupont – Get on ebay and get yourself some mace. It goes by pepper spray on there though. They hook to your belt or keychain. It’s good to have.

    NR – Okay, let’s hold on for a second. Black males are 5 times more likely to end up in jail than white males. BUT, this statistic is only valid IF and only IF, black males commit exactly 5 times the amount of crime than white males. And I would argue that once these folks hit our criminal justice system, the outcomes vary widely. Regarding the rest of your theories on education etc., I agree wholeheartedly. Though it’s hard to convince 15 year old kids to stay in school when they have to fight to stay alive, feed their families etc. There goes the vicious cycle. In the Velvet household, there was no such thing as dropping out and/or not finishing college. But in many of these households, parents aren’t even around, much less encouraging of their children to stay in school. Something that could change this in the long run very well may be something like immigration. Toss more workers at the minimum wage levels into the work force, and watch the cream rise to the top. People begin to see that taking advantage of education is worthy and on and on. But it takes time.

    Raincouver – Some people have this lifestyle though and find a way out. And for this comment, I present to you, my father. Born into a household where his parents didn’t even speak English, the man grew up in a piss poor neighborhood. And he looked around and said, “Fuck this. I’m getting out.” And he did. College. Grad School. Law School. Straight A’s all the way through. He’s been able to provide for our family, with my mom being able to stay at home for the duration. If he did it, why can’t these other people do it? The house he grew up in? On the market last year for $30,000. Can you imagine what that neighborhood became? He now lives in a $1.5 million house that he bought for $50,000 back in 1964! The value of his house 42 years ago is worth more than his childhood home today. He saw it coming, and he got out. Frankly, I believe we all have chances in life. So I can’t feel sorry for the criminals and dropouts, despite how it may look to what I commented above to NR. I just realize how the system works, and doesn’t work. It’s what separates me from the Liberals who run amok in this town with their bleeding hearts trying to save everyone. Fuck everyone! I’m saving myself and my dogs first.
    Upstairs Neighbor – I’m not so sure the icky feelings are unwarranted. If your experience with a population of people 90% of the time is a certain way, and you come to just believe that “that’s how they are” then what is so wrong about that?

    Rosie – Holy crap! My British reader!! And here I thought London was so safe! They probably thought by your smile that you had a gun in there and you would have used it.

  46. doubleonegative

    time for the me to throw my two cents in here–so brace yourselves for some invaluable insight and/or throw away remarks.

    this is NOT about race. this is about economics and the culture of youth today. these kids have no supervision, no money, nothing to do and worst of all, no repercussions from their parents, educators, or the government. combine that with a pop culture that is more materialistic than ever, and you’ve got kids willing to take seemingly immoral risks to get what they believe they deserve. what would i do at 14 years given that same scenario? most likely the same type of thing.

    it just so happens that in dc, the kids that full under these circumstances are more often than not black. you want to stereotype in the opposite direction? nearly all the white kids in DC go to private school. which, ding-ding-ding, makes them wealthy. these rich kids are exposed to the same pop-culture as the kids in poverty, but they can just throw a tantrum and mommy and daddy will get it for them. poor children in dc are lucky if mommy or daddy give them lunch money. most of my conservative friends argue this point with me and say, “why don’t they get a job at mcdonalds?”– well, our culture sneers on that, and minimum wage isn’t what lil wayne, p diddy or jessica simpson teach us about. they teach us that will little or no talent, you too can make it rich quick.

    all i’m saying is that it’s all relative. these kids suck– there’s no doubt about it. but what really sucks is the situation they’ve been put in.

  47. circumlocutor

    Doesn’t sound racist to me…but, then again, someone called me racist last week when I asked them (b/c I know they live in Prince George’s County) if they read a lengthy WaPo article about Prince George’s County.

  48. NR

    DoubleO, makes a good point. It’s not really about race until you look at the local socioeconomic climate. Like he says, in DC it’s more likely for a poor person to be black than white. If you’re rich you’re more likely to be white than, well, anything. In somewhere like Illinois, non-white populations are low and there is a staggering level of poverty and ignorance no matter what color your skin is.

    I grew up in Annapolis just across the street from the Eastport Terrace housing projects. I went to high school with kids from middle class neighborhoods in Bay Ridge and the kids from Eastport Terrace. Some dropped out and/or sold weed, some made something of themselves. There were kids from both neighborhoods in both groups.

  49. Oface

    Lmao….. Of course you were suspicious…Black males have been demonized by the news media like no other creature on earth *except for sharks*. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that you probably don’t interact with too many in general on your free time? Everynight right before you go to bed the evening news is announcing a story about some black male commiting a reprehensible crime, just reinforcing your fears even more. I see a few commenters backed up their stereotyping with statistics but as we all know numbers can be misleading if applied wrong. Statistically speaking AA males who commit crimes are more than likely to commit that act against fellow AA not whites. You are actually more likely to suffer a crime against you by someone you know *white* or family member than by someone whose black. So the question begs, Why all the fear and suspicion???

    But I’m reading everybody comments: conservative posiiton about working hard and pulling your self up without total acknowledgement of the facts: That blacks were systematically denied the oppurtunity to build wealth or education for the better part of 400 years , up until the early 70’s. That they were denied high paying jobs and loans, and if they did get a loan they had to purchase housing in areas where nobody wanted to live *which means kids your property values hardly increase*. Self accountabilty is only half the equation. Oppurtunities for financial, economic, and educational advancement must also be in place or you have a failed message.

    But I hope Velvet that someday, when your not scared that you’ll take the time to actually interact with your fellow AA’s *human beings-not animals* in DC. You’ll discover that alot of blacks are sucessful professionals but unfortuantely the media doesn’t want you to know about that story.

  50. Needtsza

    Just because you felt something and the kids happened to be black, doesn’t mean that you’re racist, if you were ever worried about that.

    As I read it, you’re a woman in the city and hell, I’m a guy and I don’t trust most people. I woulda acted like you.

    Go you! Way to not die or get mugged!

    Stupid kids

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