Attacking Life with Comedic Jaws of Sarcasm. Recovering Dating & Relationship Blogger - Made it to Step 12 When I Got Married.

Who is Velvet in Dupont?

“The paradox of true artistry is that it makes the very difficult appear instinctive and easy. That’s why art is so compelling. Because the finished work is so dazzling that it demands a leap of imagination to picture the struggle that’s gone into it’s conception…modern culture, with its prurient demands for increasingly intimate revelations, has its perils. And sensing these from early on, Sade has tried simply to remain true to herself by only doing interviews and only making music when she has something to say.” ~ Sade

Velvet in Dupont was born at a time in my life where I had many late night dates and mornings of sleeping in. My girlfriends all wanted 9 a.m. updates on my social life and I was wholly unprepared to deliver those before my first three glasses of Crystal Light or Diet Pepsi. When I came home at night, I updated the blog, and when I woke up everyone already knew my story.

“Stories only happen to people who can tell them.” ~ Allan Gurganus

Dating in D.C. for five years and blogging about it for two proved to be disastrous all around. In the end, I decided to take the blog down because it became a means of communication with people too close to me who should have asked me directly. The value is in the anonymity between both the writer and the readers, for it allows a truly uncensored version that is worth much more than something edited.

velvetindupont @


  1. Brussels

    Hi Velvet,

    I have really enjoyed reading your blog. Now that you have decided to go underground, I will certainly miss reading about your adventures. Alas, I just want to wish you the best of luck for the future.

    Take care,


  2. teo

    bummer, i haven’t read in about a week or so and I come back to this?!? May I have a password? I write at and for you may ask me any personal questions you’d like to make sure i’m not a stalker or friend of stalker. my gf and i enjoy reading you immensely. Mostly cause you’re a dog person but also cause you’re like us but single. my email addy should be attached to this. If not comment on overly, i don’t like submitting it.

  3. Sandra Dee

    Oh Velvet! I am just coming off of a short blogging hiatis and see that you’ve gone private!! This is so sad. I will miss reading about you! Take care.

  4. Kenny

    I just discovered your blog… i find you musings to be thoroughly entertaining… I’m sorrry you gone private

  5. teo

    seriously c’mon now, my buddy lives in arlington and i just sent one of my friends visiting from indy in search of you. considering i told her to link you and look for pinup bettie paigeish girl on a motorcycle she couldn’t find you. I’m jonesing dammnitall and your subscription service. do i atleast get toenail clippers when i subscribe?

  6. Maria

    Hi. I found your blog through Anti-DC’s – and now I can’t get anything done anymore. Grrr . . . Anyway, besides the total distraction from the things that really matter in my life, I am really enjoying it. In 2005 I started a similar blog – I was single and every woman I knew bitched about guys in DC, so I thought I would start dating as many guys as I could (from on-line, blind dates, people I met randomly at bars, etc.) and blog about it. Fortunately for me (as I have read through some of your entries from that time about the CRAZY guys you met), I met someone after about 2 weeks of this that I am still with. Phew.

    But, thanks for going through that for me. : )

  7. C

    Have not changed a bit I see. Love it.

  8. RH

    Hey…how are things going with you. I really do miss you so much. For some reason I cant get you out of my head. It must have been something in that VA job. Maybe those two Jews and that Pakistani had something to do with it. Maybe because my shoes smelled like an 18 wheeler just parked behind the receptionist desk. I left S and have been flying solo for about a year. Just thought I would drop a line to say “Hey”!!!

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