Attacking Life with Comedic Jaws of Sarcasm. Recovering Dating & Relationship Blogger - Made it to Step 12 When I Got Married.

Straight Up Now Tell Me

Well, so much for calling time of death on CL#2BlueEyes. He picked his head up off the gurney to spit out one last email. It was six paragraphs. Here are the highlights.

  • Dear Velvet: I know I said I wouldn’t lobby you, and I’m not trying to, honestly. I did want to clear the air just a bit more and let you know fully what I was thinking in the recent past.
    I went back and reread all the emails and IM messages we had exchanged just to be sure I am not becoming a psycho-dater after almost a decade of being out of the game while married. I also checked the text messages we had sent each other. After doing these things I really can’t help but feel misunderstood by you, and a little bit frustrated that you felt I was ‘obviously too intense a personality’.
    I realize we had a very unconventional “start”, with missed phone calls, email tag, and months between reestablishing contact. I was genuinely pleased to meet you in person finally at lunch. And that is what sort of tipped the balance the day we couldn’t get together (again). I was having an awful day at work, and there was one giant unusual thing that happened, but it was still wrong of me to write you that wacky email venting everything all at once.
    And that’s what I wanted to let you know. Sorry to go on so damn long, but it is what it is. Really do appreciate the courtesy of you replying to me with your final message instead of just going silent as some others have done–that always sucks when you don’t know what it is you’ve done.

I would like to say that I wrote back. But I didn’t. I enlisted help because I didn’t know what to do. Someone else gave me this in response BlueEyes. I know. Bad Velvet. But it’s what I wanted to say anyway but was too flustered to come up with on my own.

  • I feel flattered that you are still thinking about me, that you want to make things right, and I agree with some of what you say. We had a rocky start with missed calls, email tag and disconnections, but the email and instant messages were great. I enjoyed meeting you, enjoyed our lunch date, which was a huge step after all the disconnections, but not great enough to make up for what I perceived as an attack on me. I know you were venting and you have apologized, but I just don’t feel the connection. Thanks for such a great online relationship.

He wrote back and thanked me for letting him get it off his chest. If actually penned the response, it would have included something like “off the dating scene for 10 years? You only said you were married for 3 years. What the fuck?” But I didn’t. Jamy told me that engaging him in any way is wrong because it invites more conversation.

Official time of death on BlueEyes: Feb 16, 2006; 3:06 p.m.

Other news.

Wednesday night after I left work, I had my 10th It’s Just Lunch date in Rockville. I’ve lost my spirit with those buffoons, but, I’m almost done. It’s like a race to me. Even though I am going to lose, I still want to run to the finish line. (I stole that analogy from Always Write who says that watching my blog is like a day at the races. Loves it!) So I have now 4 dates to go and my membership expires in May. Four more dates. It can’t be that hard.

Date #10 looks like Ray Romano. He is a really really nice. He was 42, and he said some funny stuff. When they called him to tell him about me, he said, “Are you SURE she knows how old I am?” He thought he was too old for me. HA! Since I’m superdater, I’ve depleted the available inventory. I have to be flexible about things like age, weight and STD status. Ok, kidding. But still, 42 isn’t bad. I’m 32 after all. Ten years. No biggie.

During our “drink” date, he busts out with the following

Ray Romano: So, how’s your volleyball league?
Velvet: Um. What?
Ray Romano: They told me you are in a volleyball league.
Velvet: Excuse the drink that just came out of my nostrils please. Where the hell did they get that?
Ray Romano: That’s what they told me. They also said you play tennis.
Velvet: Hilarious. I often wondered how they describe me to the matches they set me up with.
Ray Romano: Well, I wrote it all down. I can refer to my notes when I go home, but I swear that’s what they said.
Velvet: Notes? I guess they had to make some stuff up, because they gave me a three page list of hobbies and none really applied to me.

Then I’m thinking, if that stupid list they provide had things like, go to the gym, glue myself to the Food Network, read blogs, write a blog, watch porn, well then, perhaps I could have just checked something off. But noooooo they had to come up with all sorts of fancy hobbies that I know nothing about. I hate them more and more. Anyone who walks by their office at 17th & K, please poke your head in and say “Thanks for wasting Velvet’s money.”

But I liked the guy – not for me obviously because I’m very busy with NJ, but, I should set someone up with him. He’s Jewish. Come on! He’ll make someone’s mother very proud.

1 Comment

  1. Velvet

    bigantone88 said…
    Velvet, I think you need to change CL#2BlueEyes name to CL#Needs2GetaClue.

    2/16/2006 04:35:56 PM

    AlieMalie said…
    BlueEyes seems to be a really nice guy but there’s just something not exactly right. A little out of balance.

    Good luck with NJ.


    2/16/2006 04:41:00 PM

    HomeI’mprovementNinja said…
    Hey! I was on 17th and K today. (I had a craving for a Wendy’s Double). If you had posted this yesterday they would have gotten an earful from a guy that was bloated with lunch carbs.

    In other news…if things are going well with NJ, why are you dating other people?

    And do you get to see people on It’s Just Lunch before you meet them? If not, that would probably suck if you got stuck with someone whose “personality” is supposed to make up for their looks.

    2/16/2006 05:02:46 PM

    Stef said…
    The guy I met in a bar last week is 41, also a ten-year age difference. I had to have a little mental dialogue with myself, admitting that after the shock and awe subsided, it’s really not that out of the realm of possibility for me to date someone in their 40’s. Yikes! Double yikes! I hate that time passes so quickly – when will I get to date some 20-somethings? Not that that sounds appealing now, but maybe in my 40’s?

    Anyway, I’ve been burned by not being Jewish when I really liked a Jewish guy before. So I probably won’t volunteer for this one… that kinda sucked. 🙁

    2/16/2006 05:11:21 PM

    Washington Cube said…
    :::shovling dirt on Blue Eyes::: dust to dust…email to email…R.I.P.

    2/16/2006 07:49:39 PM

    Elvis said…
    “You… get an IV drip on CL#2BlueEyes, 25 mg of dopamine, 20 cc’s of… wait, he’s asystole. The head bob was just a death spasm.”

    2/16/2006 07:54:23 PM

    playfulindc said…
    Very smart response to the soul bearing, Miss Thang.

    I can’t wait to get back so I can throw my 2 cents in to your list of relationship cohorts. Most of mine would be…wait 5 minutes, have another cocktail, and marinate on it.

    Aren’t most of, if not half of, the ladies that you ask advice of Jewish?

    2/16/2006 09:59:40 PM

    Sandra Dee said…
    Good for you for keeping your options open. I admire that. I have a tendancy to get stuck on one guy whom I think it’s working with – then BAM – it goes sour. Nothing wrong with playing the field a little until “The Talk.”

    2/16/2006 11:11:09 PM

    Jamy said…
    I bet if you think really hard you will figure out which of your friends is age appropriate and Jewish. Not that she cares much about either, but still. 😉

    2/17/2006 12:17:25 AM

    I-66 said…
    sheesh.. way to leave room for some imagination there Jamy ;o)

    2/17/2006 08:05:32 AM

    Johnny said…
    Is this a paula abdul song?

    .. do you wanna love me forever
    oh oh oh
    or are you just
    playing games?


    2/17/2006 08:48:57 AM

    always write said…
    Velvet fixing Jamy up with one of the dates she’s blogged about… It’s like a network crossover event! “Ally McBeal” meets “The Practice” in court! I am SO setting my VCR.

    2/17/2006 09:38:52 AM

    Kristin said…
    I’m onboard with Always Write. DVR set.

    2/17/2006 10:03:45 AM

    AsianMistress said…
    I think I’m mad you didn’t ask me to help. Haha. 🙂

    2/17/2006 11:18:48 AM

    Phil said…

    2/17/2006 02:17:17 PM

    playfulindc said…
    Someone is having a good weekend sans computer access…

    2/19/2006 11:38:40 AM

    meghansdiscontent said…
    I don’t think we’ve heard the last of Blue Eyes.


    You should set Ray Romano up with someone. Do one of your friends and him both a favor. We should always pass around the good guys that we’re not interested in. They shouldn’t go to waste just because they weren’t our match. There are so few, after all. 🙂

    2/19/2006 08:54:18 PM

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