Attacking Life with Comedic Jaws of Sarcasm. Recovering Dating & Relationship Blogger - Made it to Step 12 When I Got Married.

I’m Addicted to You But I Know That You’re Toxic

It’s me. Before you get any ideas, it’s me I’m referring to in the title. I’m the one who is toxic.

When Sherlock went into his stalk-mode-of-Velvet last summer, I have to admit, it wasn’t the first time that it happened to me. It’s not because I’m being a drama queen, it’s not because I’m making it up or exaggerating. It’s because I know that there is something in my manner of relating to a man that brings out that stalkie behavior. I tend to shut down pretty rapidly, and there is something so psychologically innate in people that when they want to talk, they must talk, and when the person they want to talk to doesn’t want to talk back, they get irate. It drives some personality types to stalk.

This isn’t about me and Sherlock though, who Sixes and Sevens is now calling “Shirley.” We’re magically in love and everything is great. Better than great. This is about the fact that there is something comical for me, in watching just how far someone will unravel because of something I did, or didn’t do. It’s an accomplishment for me. Yes yes, I’m a bitch like that. It’s my “notch” weakness. Some people like to collect notches in the way of sex partners, I like to see how crazy I can make people. I admit it. I’m a pot stirrer with men.

Now, that history aside, I can proudly announce that yours truly, Velvet in Dupont, busy woman who was just informed via email (what? you couldn’t call me boys?) that she has more responsibilities which will take her away from precious blogging even further, has added ANOTHER NOTCH TO HER BELT. Yes, I have to say. I love it. What exactly am I talking about?

There is another blog dedicated to someone’s hatred of me. YAY! (Seriously, YAY.) I just cracked up when I realized that my emailing with an old acquaintance yielded his ire to produce this sole post on my very own URL:

Be careful in whom you confide. A Pisces will not keep confidences for long. They are self-centered psychos and do not care who gets hurt when they are on a vendetta. All the informational weapons they possess will be employed.

Of course it’s no match for the Velvet Parody blog or the blog Sherlock wrote about me (yes baby, I know all about it) but, it’s so delightful when someone else adds their hate to the mix.

So, here we have it. When someone is moved to stalking, or hatred, or a hate-blog, it means that you’ve bothered them. You’ve gotten under their skin. And I have gotten under the skin of the North American continent’s largest cyberpath. Smooch!

Have a good weekend. My free time is dwindling. I’ll try to be back soon. I have big news brewing.



  1. LMNt

    Big news?


  2. Elizabeth

    …chit, ..don’t people have more to do with their time, seriously?..WTG Velvet!!..I too get my rocks off flaming the sparks of crazy…you at least deserve some pleasure from this cluster f*ck.. Big long must we wait??..TGIF!

  3. Fencer4

    “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about” -Oscar Wilde

  4. Dan

    You’re moving back to NY! Yay! I knew you wouldn’t stay away for too long.

    Can’t wait to have you back here.

    Wait – what’s that?

  5. E :)

    Will there be a hitchin’?

  6. Patsy

    I hope the news is that you loved Texass so much, that you’re moving here! Your boyfriend Patrick misses you and S&S. “So what do you think of Austin Avenue?” Umm….

  7. whiskypants (formerly)

    Re you and Sherlock: lovely. Re your latest blog “homage”: sick. Re my taking my blog offline (except for a couple really smart people who already found it): second smartest thing I’ve done in ten years (the first being getting a cleaning lady). Looking forward to your news…

  8. Not So Little Woman

    Huuummmm… Big news. You tease. But I can’t wait to hear it. Enjoy the well-deserved time off!!

  9. Bilious C. Pudenda

    I am still waiting.

  10. Sharkbait

    So glad you are happy and in love. You deserve a break!

  11. KassyK

    I know the newsssssss…Nanynany Poopoo. 🙂

    PS You do get all the nutjobs. What is up with these crazies?

  12. anon9

    everyone is in love now, sooooo lame

  13. Ednia

    hate blogs? Where?

  14. 6s & 7s

    You can’t leave me in this cess pool. YOU CAN’T. Damn you. I’ll go to Texas too. I LOVE austin ave, Think they’ll give me a job? I can get fake nails and a perm!!! and some acid wash denim.

    Hmmm, shirley…..hmmmmm. grawr.

  15. 6s & 7s

    anon9. I am not in love!!!

  16. freckledk

    I don’t know the news, and it burns me to the core. Thank God I’m not a Pisces.

  17. I-66

    6s & 7s is lying. She’s in love with me and doesn’t want to blogcast it to the world.

  18. Bigger Bitch Than You

    HA HA HA. Apparently you have to take a number with 6s&7s so how long have YOU been waiting I-66!

  19. I-66

    I was first. I don’t care what anyone says.

  20. Barbara

    I know about the crackpot, but I don’t know about the news. Do tell!

  21. Fencer4

    6s & 7s, it’s just a silly phase you’re going through?

    I am afraid you are just going to have to settle for being loved.

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