Attacking Life with Comedic Jaws of Sarcasm. Recovering Dating & Relationship Blogger - Made it to Step 12 When I Got Married.

This Day Seems Made For You and Me

I sent the kids to the neighbor’s and snuck out of town this weekend. I envisioned snapping hundreds of pictures to provide a photo tour of my weekend, but the camera never came out of my bag. Somehow, I just didn’t feel like sharing…funny, considering my life has always been an open book. Though, someone once said to me with regard to the plethora of men in my life and their respective place on this blog, “If you really loved him, you wouldn’t even want to share the details.”

Truer words were never spoken.

I will say that my one goal for the weekend, besides the obvious, was to lay in a hammock with him and read Hemingway. That goal was achieved two hours before the one picture to mark the weekend was taken.

He took this from the wrap-around balcony of room 305…the room to which every hotel employee we came in contact with said, “OH, 305!! You’re gonna LOVE that room.”

We did.




  1. Johnny DC

    Nice… so this is somewhere tropical.. hopefully Carribbean?

  2. Uncle Keith

    Is it Cuba? Are you spending time with Fidel? Is that why he stepped down? Kennedy could have skipped that whole Bay of Pigs screw up and just sent Velvet?

  3. I-66

    I say Florida. Maybe the Keys.

  4. Johnny DC

    So you hung out with Mr. Hemingway in a hammock… was that naked? haha

  5. homeimprovementninja

    Hemingway gives it away, I say the Keys too.

  6. sixesandsevens

    Papa is an old friend of mine, as well as the Keys. Mazel Tov my friend. You deserved all sorts of beauty and a good man too!

  7. Velvet

    Uncle Keith – Cuba would have been cool. Damn Castro that quitter…a waste of perfectly good communism…

    All – I wasn’t trying to make you guess. Sorry. Yes, the Keys.

  8. The Stoic

    Ah, down in my neck of the woods, very cool. Sadly though, despite growing up close, I’ve been to the Keys a whole 1 time. Shameful I know :hangs head: Road Trip Sixes?

  9. bejeweled

    Some things are just to great to share… but I love the pic! Wishing I were in a hammock right now (it’s acutally snowing like mad here in the Lou)

  10. E

    Velvie’s in lurve!

  11. E

    Which Hemingway book?

  12. Velvet

    A Farewell to Arms. Oh! So good!!! I’ve got about 100 pages to go. I don’t want it to end.

  13. E

    That’s my favorite one by him.

  14. mysterygirl!

    Looks beautiful. I’m glad you had such a great time!

  15. sixesandsevens

    A Moveable Feast is my fave. But I do love his whole repretoire.

  16. homeimprovementninja

    “But I do love his whole repretoire.”

    Why does everything you say sound dirty 😉

  17. sixesandsevens

    and misspelled? Because I suck (tee hee).

  18. nato

    Sounds like you’re having too much fun, so let me pee in your Wheaties for a minute . . .

  19. sixesandsevens

    I am not clicking that link. I think it’s Marines pitching puppies. Seriously I hope they get their asses kicked. Marines suck.

  20. Velvet

    No one is allowed to pee in my wheaties! This post is about me me me!!!!!

  21. ma

    Lovely. One day, we shall sit in a bar and I will ask for the details that you don’t write about. If you don’t want to share, I won’t be offended, but damn it, I want to ask.

  22. sixesandsevens

    I can imagine details. Oh and Velvet, got your text. Tell him I said I am glad he liked it! All the way from Venezia, baby!

  23. Lemmonex

    How I love Farewell to Arms…that and Hills Like White Elephants are my fav Heminway…

  24. nato

    Unfortunately, you’re right, sixes, it’s a series of videos some assholes made of themselves torturing and killing animals in Iraq and Afghanistan. I very rarely hope that our troops don’t make it home. In the case of the fine young men shown in those videos, I make an exception. And my hope for the guy in the first video especially is for a very slow and painful death. Okay, done with the Wheaties-whizzing.

  25. Dara

    A Farewell to Arms is my favorite Hemingway book (and was one of my mother’s favorite movies), and is perfect for reading in the Keys.

    Looks like you had a fantastic weekend.

  26. Velvet

    MA – I shall take you up on that offer of sitting in a bar and yapping!

    Lemmonex – I thought that The Sun Also Rises would be my favorite, and it was until now I think…though of course I have to give a nod to the namesake and inspiration of one of my favorite songs ever: For Whom the Bell Tolls.

    Dara – I found out, after finally visiting his house, that he wrote A Farewell to Arms right there in Key West.

  27. I-66

    Um. I want to yap in a bar.

  28. Gunn Lino

    NATO apparently no one wishes to address your complete assholeishness, that shit has a place and it’s not here, those guys are dimwits to say the least, you’re a jagoff of the first magnitude. Go be alone with your dislikeable self.

  29. Dara

    Did you get to see the cats?

    And my theory is that it’s always better when you can read a book where it was written — or where it took place. You just get something extra out of it that way.

    That’s why I took The Sheltering Sky with me to Morocco.

  30. sixesandsevens

    Sheltering SKY! Whoa! Did you see the movie? Whoa.

    Anyway, Velvie did they recover the Picasso that was stolen from the house, the scuplture of the orange cat? It was stolen about 5 years ago. I loved it! Apparently it was damaged in the theft but I hope you got to see it.

  31. nato

    Unloveable? Perhaps. Dislikeable? Never! But thank you for awarding me the title “jagoff off the first magnitude”, Gunn. My secret is in the wrist action, and of course, choosing a clean, well-lighted place.

  32. Velvet

    Dara – oh, we saw those cats. There were tons of them. Like “Where’s Waldo,” you could find a cat everywhere you looked.

    Sixes – I have no idea. You are talking to someone who said upon entering every room, “Do you think we could have sex in here without being caught?” Picasso, what???

  33. sixesandsevens

    I am sure Papa thought that a time or two too.

    Sorry I let discussions of famous art get in the way of fucking. I won’t ever make that silly mistake again.

    Well DID YOU GET CAUGHT? We want to know.

  34. E

    It doesn’t matter if she got caught or not. What matters is that she was in the airport when I talked to her and upon being asked if she was going to join the Mile High club, she said no because, and I quote, her PUSSY hurts (!!!!). Never thought I’d hear that from you, Velvet!

  35. Velvet

    I just did a little cock-grabbing. There was no real serious move for fornication.

    And E, I hurt like a virgin on prom night. Okay, it wasn’t that bad. But keep in mind, I go through periods of incredible downtime, punctuated by periods of incredible fucking. It needs to be spaced out more. Just doesn’t work that way for me though.

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