Attacking Life with Comedic Jaws of Sarcasm. Recovering Dating & Relationship Blogger - Made it to Step 12 When I Got Married.

Something About the Woman Makes My Heart Go Haywire, and She’s Gonna Be My Wife

Well, X and I have a new favorite show. That stupid “Say Yes to the Dress” show. I think in the absence of me making a huge deal of the dress shopping, coupled with the fact that I stumbled into a place and found the dress without giving it much thought or bringing anyone with me, I am obsessed with other people and their search for the dress. Maybe I feel like I missed out a bit on that experience though I am happy that it happened the way it did. I wish they would put that thing out on video already.

I found my shoes. Love. Love. Love.


We really rocked and rolled this weekend. Again, who needs a planner? My dad confirmed that he found a JP so that’s done. Then my dad sent the funniest email. He is so conditioned to eating dinner at 6:00, and we’re planning on starting the ceremony at 6:00, then doing a cocktail hour, so dinner won’t be until after 7. My dad says, “Can’t you start the wedding at 5 so we can sit down to eat at 6?” I’m crying now. I called him and said, “No, I cannot do that because first of all, I think the few random out of towners need as much of Friday as possible to get to town, and because traffic in Connecticut is horrendous on Fridays in the summer and because frankly, the later the better. I’m already going to be sweating my ass off in 50 pounds of dress.” X was like, “Can we get him a snack?” My dad is a comedian. Now might be a good time to tell X that my parents will probably be packing up any uneaten food and taking it home to live off of for weeks post-wedding.

X and I spent Friday drinking so we spent Saturday nursing my hangover until X demanded I get out of bed so we could get going on our list of crap to accomplish. He found THE BEST jeweler in Falls Church, and they had great reviews online. We went there to figure out the whole wedding band / ring issue. They buzzed us in and this girl met us right at the door and literally solved our issue with my ring and sold X a band for himself. Five minutes and $2000 later, we were out the door and heading back to my place. They are going to make a mold of the band so I can see what it will look like, then if I likey, they will make the notched ring. Done and done. Dominion Jewelers people. Dominion Jewelers in Falls Church. Amazing.

We had been looking at invitations online and they were all blah. Until I stumbled across Zazzle. You have to design the invitations yourself but once we figured that part out, it was easy. Well, aside from my bitching about it. We got the invitations, response cards, placecards and thank you cards all for $160. Are we good or are we good? I still maintain that I can make all these phone calls to the family and couple close friends within 10 minutes so why the eff do we need invitations, but look how cute they are!


Then I came up with the best idea for party favors. I actually saw it in a magazine, but it was too cute for words. Sweet tarts in the shape of dog bones as the favor, with a note that a donation was made to the ASPCA in the name of the person. We both really liked that idea, and since the dogs are going to be part of the wedding, this seemed like a great idea. A little hunting around online and here’s what I came up with:

This candy, inside the doggie bags, tied with ribbon!



Soooooo cute! Love it. Now, I have to come up with the outfits for Sammy and Thora.


  1. Barbara

    You don’t do anything half-assed! But then I’m not surprised. This is going to be quite an affair. I love it that the dogs are in the wedding — strewing petals or adorning the space in other ways?! Can’t wait for more details. Isn’t this wedding months away? You don’t want to peak too soon with all this prep.

  2. Velvet

    B – it’s funny you would say that. For some reason everyone is making me feel like I’m waiting until the last minute on everything! When I went to get the dress, they said had I come the Saturday afterward, that I would have had to pay the $400 expedite fee because it just wouldn’t have arrived on time. X is sort of scaring me about it because the time frames are really tight. But I prefer to get all this crap done so I don’t have anything to worry about it. And I’m looking online for a backup dress……just in case. Though it will totally break my heart because I am so in love with what I bought. We have our list and I prefer to just knock these things off one by one instead of procrastinating. Then I’ll have time freed up to think of the other details that I’m sure I’m forgetting. We’re inside 90 days. I feel the time crunch. It’s not a good crunch like Nestle’s Crunch. It’s a bad crunch.

  3. michelle

    I got married almost seven years ago and am OBSESSED with Say Yes to the Dress. I bought my dress at a sample sale for $350 on the second day I was looking, so maybe you’re right — it holds appeal for those of us who didn’t make finding a dress into a national holiday. (I watch for the completely insane salespeople. There’s one “woman” who I swear is a dude in drag. And I think I need to start having my eyebrows done by Randy’s people.)

    Re the time crunch — don’t worry. You’ll get it all done, and it will be magical.

  4. carrie m

    Color me impressed. Considering how much time you’ve had to get all of this done, it seems like it’s getting done really quickly. LOVE the shoes.

  5. Amy

    Damn, girl! You guys don’t mess around! I am glad that you are knocking out the issues one by one.

    I covet those shoes! You must take a photo of you guys from the neck down, so we can see how it all pans out. The photog will probably think you are crazy if you ask him to cut your head off, but tell him its for science or something.

  6. Phil

    Tell your dad I will gladly travel to dine w/ him at 6 pm.

    I should go ahead and move to Palm Beach because I am ready for dinner every day between 5:30 and 6 p.m.

  7. little d

    I wouldn’t say that I plan my treadmill time to coincide with that show, but… it does seem to be on every time I run. (I want a Randy of my very own.)

    Those shoes are killer. In the good way.

  8. Cyndy

    Those are some awesome shoes! It’s fun to hear about all of the unique details of your wedding. Sounds like it is all coming together now.

  9. KassyK

    Belatedly–It was so great to see you recently! And oh heck yea, I adore those shoes. You know I love a dainty platform and you are going to look gorgeous.

    And for someone who has been to 2,000 weddings and despises wedding related tv entertainment…even I have become obsessed with that show. I can watch it on 5 hour loops.


  10. misty anne mathison

    the shoes darling the shoes. i saw then at nordstrom a few weeks back and spent the better part of ten minutes just touching them. i almost sold a pair to this lady just because of my oohs and aahs.

  11. Velvet

    Michelle – I just bought season 4 on Amazon on demand or whatever. Why aren’t the other seasons on here? I must have them!!!

    Carrie M – When I worked for the builders, and people had to make a cabinet selection, and you gave them 1000 choices, many of which had just slight variations, they couldn’t decide. When you limited their choices to 5, they could decide in a flash. I’m trying the same mantra here. Shoes? check. Invitations? Check. Bands? Check. Well, sort of. Update posts on some of that coming soon…

    Amy – I was thinking about doing a picture…I’m sure there will be something I can find that doesn’t show full-face. Though I would assume that mostly anyone who I wouldn’t want to see that are long gone by now.

    Phil – Thank you for being a friend. Travel down the road and back again. Your heart is true, you’re a pal and a confidant. If you threw a party, invited everyone you knew, you would see the biggest gift would be from me and the card attached would say “Thank you for being a friend.”

    Phil if you don’t know what those lyrics mean, there is hope for you yet. If you were humming along the tune in your head, then we’ve got issues.

    Little D – I LOVE RANDY! He’s the best, right down to his ultra-waxed brows.

    Cyndy – We are certainly trying. I think it really doesn’t matter if it is 30 people or 300, it is still just as hard to get the details nailed down.

    KK – I want 5 hour loops!!!! The only thing stopping me from watching the 19 shows or so that I downloaded is that X wants to see them too and we haven’t been in the same house for a couple days.

    Misty Anne – THAT IS HILARIOUS! I’m glad they have them at Nordstrom because, uh, the pair Piper Lime shipped me seemed to have had already done a pub crawl from the Palladium to the Limelight.

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