Attacking Life with Comedic Jaws of Sarcasm. Recovering Dating & Relationship Blogger - Made it to Step 12 When I Got Married.

Hawking the Trivial Tryst Again

It’s no secret that Velvet was born as a dating blog. While two years of disastrously covering my dates proved to be a nightmare, I can still appreciate events that encourage the manfolk and womenfolk to mingle.   My friends have put together an event called Trivial Tryst.

“Trivial Tryst is a stray distant stepchild of the now obsolete 90’s sociology experiment that was Speed Dating. The event aims to take the good aspects, such as meeting several like minded people in a short period of time, while eliminating the stress of forced conversations and the painful onset of ‘dead air.'”

Check this link for more details and to sign up. I have the inside scoop. There are more guys signed up right now than girls…to which I say, “Fucking finally. Fuck you D.C. and your ‘seven girls for every guy’ bullshit.”

I have another inside scoop. I heard the boys are mostly rugby players. That’s all.


  1. E

    I’ll go if you go. And Sexes too.

  2. I-66

    I see no problem with 7 girls for every me.

  3. Dara

    This sounds fun, even without the promise of rugby players (which reminds me of a Mardi Gras story from my youth). And strangely enough, this is the first event recommended by a fellow blogger that actually makes me want to leave my house. I’ll have to consider it.

  4. sixesandsevens

    I think Sexes is busy that weekend with a certain blogger coming to visit…

  5. JohnnyDC


    I’d like to get in a scrum with you.


  6. sixesandsevens

    For the record I would like to point out that it’s ALWAYS the boys that take it to sex and NOT ME!

  7. I-66

    Please. What is C.U.N.T. all about, then?

  8. sixes and sevens

    I am talking about your ways that you hijack Velvet’s posts…of course CUNT is about sex. Stop sniffing glue.

  9. Velvet

    Technically, I’m not going to see Sixes until the morning after Trivial Tryst. So, E, we can go!!!

    In other news, there’s a baby squirrel in my neighborhood who is in peril. Anyone have an old Hamster cage lying around? I need to go squirreling and find a wildlife rescue for him.

  10. Kerrin

    If you’re inclined to drive to Gaithersburg you can take the little guy to the Second Chance Wildlife Center.

    (I know I don’t post comments often, but I swear I’m not lurking! You guys just have such spirited conversations I feel like I’d get in the way!)

  11. I-66

    I have a moving box. That’s about it.

  12. Velvet

    Kerrin – I found their info too, and also called a wildlife rehab in NoVa. They referred me to the NY Ave rescue, which apparently DOES deal with wildlife, despite what one would guess from their website. They are supposed to come pick up, but I’m happy to take the little guy to G’burg too. Damn he’s cute.

  13. Kerrin

    NY Ave? Really? Who knew…

    You could always keep him and train him to be a helper squirrel like Bob Ross.

  14. carrie m

    holy shit, i just read rugby players and clicked on the link like a good little pavlovian dog.

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