Attacking Life with Comedic Jaws of Sarcasm. Recovering Dating & Relationship Blogger - Made it to Step 12 When I Got Married.

You Don’t Even Know What It Is That You’re Fighting For

Today I laughed and cried.

Driving to  the Vortex  and hearing the September 11th stories on NPR made me cry and cry and cry. It seems like longer than seven years. As I said to K this morning, time is a fascinating thing. Seven years ago, I still had two years left in a relationship, had several to follow, had not yet started grad school, and never knew of a Mr. X in my future. What a difference a day makes? Try seven years. I’m in a much better place. I’m not sure if our country is but our naivety was ripe for a shakedown.

There was a cat fight at work today of epic proportions. I texted as such to Mr. X. He texted back, “Were you involved?” No, because, duh, nothing I could be involved in could ever be described as a “cat fight.” Then he texted back and said, “If no one’s car got stolen in the end, then it wasn’t you.” True true. Ruining lives is fun.

One of the members involved in said cat fight had to, gasp, actually do some work. Some people had their car towed for one reason or another and they came in to our office. Meow Mix spent 20 minutes in a very heated debate with them explaining why their car was towed. It went on and on. And on. AND ON.

The People: “It was only there for 72 hours!”

Meow Mix: “It wasn’t 72 hours. It was there for three full days!!!”

Stupid people can make me laugh for 10 minutes straight.


  1. I-66

    Inside I-66’s head:

    Meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow…

    Make it stop!!

  2. Lemmonex

    I have been marveling all day at how long ago 7 years seems…and also just how yesterday it feels. Time marches on.

  3. Uncle Keith

    Ah cat fights…if God invented anything better, he kept it for himself.

  4. Phil

    Throw ‘meow mix’ into that hole at Ground Zero and start building, already!

    What’s taking so long?

  5. freckledk

    Truly the funniest thing I’ve heard in some time. And a much needed laugh on an otherwise sad day.

  6. Gunn Lino

    Damn, I was hoping for hair pulling and bra ripping.

  7. wildbill

    It sounds like it would have made a great Youtube video!

  8. Shannon

    Best catfight ever happened at a high school in my hometown (not my school, but my friends told me about it).

    Two girls going at it, one screams at the other, “You gave my boyfriend GONORRHEA!!!!”

  9. E

    My sister was on Fox 5 Philadelphia talking about the scholarship we received after losing my dad on 9/11, so I can at least be grateful that something good came out of it.

    The day itself was beautiful, just like it was seven years ago. And it was so nice that it was calm.

  10. JohnnyDC

    So are you dead or something, or has your real estate company officially joined Lehman and Bear Stearns in the crapper?

  11. Katherine

    So, um, tag. You’re it. I guess this means you’ve been nominated for the Honest Blogger Award. Sorry.

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