Attacking Life with Comedic Jaws of Sarcasm. Recovering Dating & Relationship Blogger - Made it to Step 12 When I Got Married.

My Head Keeps Spinning, I Go to Sleep and Keep Grinning

We’ve had some serious progress over here in Velvet World the last few days.

Regarding the piece of shit doctor, we filed complaints with the Virginia Medical Board and HHS for HIPAA violations. I cannot wait until he gets those notices.

X and I had a busy 38 hours between Friday at 7 a.m. and Saturday at 9 p.m. We left DC and drove to NYC where we had meetings with Wedding Coordinators at 2:00, 3:00, 4:30 and 6:15. Up. Down. Across the city. All on foot. With Sammy and Thora. It was a feat, to say the least. Our base of operations, the W, where we were staying, was also conveniently our first stop.

2:00. W Hotel, Midtown. This happy little coordinator showed us around their conference rooms which were very…”conferency.” He told us we wouldn’t like our next stops on the tour from hell because they were “stuffy” and “basementy” respectively, but the W is sort of an odd hotel too. It seems more suited to business meetings anyway.

That is NOT X with the white gloves by the way.

3:00. Waldorf-Astoria.   Apparently unless you have throngs of people, they won’t even discuss sharing their precious banquet space with you. You have to rent a suite. I was like, “wha???” But then I saw their suites. Holy crap. They are indeed gorgeous, but for $6000 a night, I would expect them to be gorgeous.

I wouldn’t expect them to also be so, gaudy, but well, whatever.

The funny part of that flea market furniture is that if you want it removed, you have to pay them. Please. You people should pay us for removing the ribbon candy couches and injecting a taste level into the place.

The idea of doing a ceremony in one room and eating in the other was pretty nice. It sort of summed up what we were thinking about for the day. Then we got the dogs and hoofed it up to Central Park South for our next appointment.

4:30. Ritz-Carlton. These people were the nicest to deal with pre-visit, and they even had bones for Sammy and Thora when we got there. I thought that was pretty nice. Then Sammy wouldn’t cooperate and he was attacking me for the bone I had in the little Ritz bag. I was trying to say how well behaved my dogs were and then one turns into Jabba the Hut and practically jumped into my arms to get the bone. So, the unfortunate part about the Ritz? Space in the basement. X said, “This doesn’t really do the ‘had my wedding at the Ritz on Central Park’ statement justice because the pictures will look like we were just about anywhere.” No windows, nada. Sad.


There’s Thora dreaming about her wedding.

6:15. Studio 54. People please. Is this not the bestest idea ever? I’m a disco freak, love all things late 70’s and loved hearing about Studio 54 then, and now. I’ve read the books, seen the movies, I’m officially obsessed. We used this as an excuse to tour the place, but knowing that it’s been converted into a theatre, we sort of knew we wouldn’t be able to make it work. When we found out that the price of renting the cool Studio 54 runs you $10,000 just to get in the door, we were about done. Though, we continued our mission. We saw the infamous mezzanine where the sex occurred, and the scandalous basement where the drug use took place. God I would have been in heaven. No wonder people were dying to get in and never wanted to leave.




Sniffles. Love Halston. Wondering if I should buy this vintage Halston Wedding Dress I spied online. Bah. Dresses are another post.

After, we went to have dinner with my brother and his ex-girlfriend bff. Then back to the hotel where we all promptly crashed. Some of us crashed faster than others.

“Yum. These Ritz Carlton Bones are the best.”

In the morning we went up to Connecticut. Yeah yeah, I know. But we had to pin them down once and for all. And we looked at a hotel in my hometown that also does weddings.

Guess what happened when we arrived at my parents house?

a) No one was home.
b) They barely spoke to us.
c) They talked to me but refused to engage with X.
d) They jumped out of the house and started talking to X and I like they hadn’t ignored emails or dodged phone calls and showed an interest in our wedding.

If you picked a, b, or c, you’re wrong. Can you believe it? Neither can I.


  1. michelle

    LOVE that this is now a wedding website (sort of). Whodathunkit?

  2. Velvet

    Yeah I know. More of a low-cost, low drama, minimalist kind of wedding though. I’m in dress world next, the stupid business it is. I finally find something online that isn’t totally offensive and then I can’t find it anywhere in person. This is hard. No wonder people hire help.

  3. Carla

    Agree with Michelle! This is awesome!

    I won’t even show you where I’m having my wedding reception at… It was a fortune (my parents are paying for the whole thing, so it’s their pick), but it’s gorgeous. And the outside seating with glass ceilings that close in case of bad weather? Awesome!

    Oh, and it’s in Rio, so that makes it even better 🙂

  4. LiLu

    Dress pictures when you go shopping!!!!

    No, I did *not* just squee. Swear…

  5. Washington Cube

    No New York Public Library wedding a la Carrie Bradshaw? No Plaza? No Pierre?

  6. allezoop

    Yes to that Halston dress no matter the venue. You will rock the hell out of it. I have a friend in NYC that works doing arts development – she may be able to recommend some spaces owned by arts organizations that might be cool.

  7. Velvet

    Carla – Rio sounds AWESOME! And you start the wedding by being on a honeymoon already, that’s great!

    LiLu – Definitely. I’m going to need help. Of course I have to drop some lbs first though. Ain’t nothing gonna look good on me now. I need to hit your gym blog. Damn it!

    Cubie – Ugh. Nope. Too fancy for me. Shoot, I’m having trouble adjusting to having a BMW. Though, the road I’m on now with planning this wedding, I’m not as far off the BMW / Plaza track anymore.

    allezoop – I think we found the place actually – that post is coming next!

  8. Tyler

    Wow, I had a feeling the answer would be d.

    Looks like plans are moving forward! We are taking it a bit slower… I went to a wedding at the Ritz down near Battery Park and it was very nice. But there weren’t too many windows there either.

  9. Barbara

    I knew they would come around. You left them no choice. They knew who they were up against!

    This is a good beginning. Very good indeed!

  10. Siryn

    yay! Thank goodness it seems that they’re less gloomy and doomy.

    As for the location. Ya, those suites are nice! And NO, please don’t mimic Sex and the City. Damn show has ruined a generation of women.

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