I had a dream about you again last night.
I used my spare key to sneak into your house while you slept, and went into the guest room so I wouldn’t wake you. I managed this with ease, slipping in at night after you were asleep and slipping back out before you awoke. I would lay there, bubbling over with excitement, knowing that even though I was not laying next to you, we were breathing the same air.
It was the closest I could get to you.
One night, you were in your bed with your girlfriend. I listened through the wall as you spoke sweet words to her, with you still never knowing I was there. I thought about just creeping back out, but then I exited dreamland and woke up for real. Back in my own bed, the scent of you is so palpable, and the first thought of the day comes to my mind.
I am still in love with you.
Damn. I had one of those dreams about a month and a half ago. It IS hard to tell where memory stops and the dream starts, isn’t it?
Yes, but I can’t take credit for that. It’s my friend Toby Keith….dream walking…pillow talkin…she’s calling my name again
you little dreaming catburglar you
It’s reverse-cat-burguling. I broke in to his house and yet, somehow, he makes off with my heart. Very sad.
more like the booty burglar.
sweet, sad, and creepy.