Attacking Life with Comedic Jaws of Sarcasm. Recovering Dating & Relationship Blogger - Made it to Step 12 When I Got Married.

Someone Googled Roller Derby DC…

…and got to my blog because months ago, I made a call to all on this topic. I’m still interested in setting up a league, and now that the fab white trash Rollergirls show has made it to A & E, I’m hoping TV can deliver on it’s ability to plant ideas in people’s heads. Whoever it was…email me. I’ve got a list of girls who will participate. Just gotta find a rink. I would even start a side blog about Roller Derby. I’m set.

Ready to beat some girl ass,

1 Comment

  1. Velvet

    I-66 said…
    request appointment as “promoter”

    1/09/2006 08:54:17 AM

    Larissa said…
    just saw this show for the first time last night, very cool!

    1/09/2006 09:47:48 AM

    Kristin said…
    You know I’d kill myself, right? I am considering a bruise log for the blog ’cause I can’t even walk.

    I think it’s cool, though.

    1/09/2006 09:59:53 AM

    Velvet said…
    I66 – Request granted.

    Larissa – Crap! Did I miss the 2nd episode? Or was it a repeat of last weeks? Tonight at 8 should be the 2nd show as well, so hopefully I’m not all out of the loop.

    1/09/2006 10:04:06 AM

    playfulindc said…
    Where are my ELBOW PADS???

    Although my skating skills are leaning toward comedy, I would so love to charge around a ring with you and smear some manicure loving…


    Velvet, I think that would be fun, and would love to come out and play if you do.

    1/09/2006 10:27:17 AM

    Jamy said…
    I’d just like to go rollerskating. I still have my white skates with translucent red wheels. Sigh. I heart rollerskating.

    1/09/2006 11:26:47 AM

    Larissa said…
    think it was a repeat, i was being a bum on the couch for a good part of the day yesterday, so god knows when i saw it, it’s all a haze! thanks for the heads up about tonite tho.

    1/09/2006 12:24:47 PM

    I-66 said…
    And it’s only roller derby if they’re skates and not blades.

    It is as The Promoter says.

    1/09/2006 01:50:10 PM

    Insta-skator said…
    This woman wants to roller derby with y’all. Let me know if it ever happens in DC.

    2/09/2006 06:14:13 PM

    Anonymous said…
    Yes! I would join your roller derby team in a minute – I’m a shy professional but inside I’m vicious. I also have great leg strenghth and balance. Pick me!

    2/16/2006 09:37:09 AM

    Anonymous said…
    Hey, there IS a league in DC now… check out

    3/19/2006 09:38:18 PM

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