Attacking Life with Comedic Jaws of Sarcasm. Recovering Dating & Relationship Blogger - Made it to Step 12 When I Got Married.

Sammy Update

I just spent $2300 at the Neurologist. Let me say that again, because I’m not sure those in the back heard. I just spent $2300 at the Neurologist.

Sammy is having an MRI tomorrow morning. I’m really into it now. There’s no going back. For the skeptics who suggested putting him down, (don’t worry, it’s not any of you supportive readers, it’s people who I share blood with,) do you get it? Does the fact that Citibank Visa is moving me to their “best customers” list as we speak, tell you that I have no intention of giving up? Good lord, if I can get my ass out there and date loser after loser, I most certainly can max out a few credit cards in the name of love for my dog.

You can tell by looking at him, he just doesn’t feel good. Well, he is still managing to check out his good looks in the mirror.

1 Comment

  1. Velvet

    playfulindc said…
    OMG. It’s for that kind of a *no choice* emergency that I still have credit cards. I haven’t used them in years, but they’re there, dusty, in my wallet.

    Bless your heart. I am thinking about you two!

    1/10/2006 03:51:03 PM

    Jamy said…
    Whew. He needs some doggie insurance. It’s your money, babe, do what you think is right.

    I would break the bank for my Tabby in a heartbeat, even if she never lets me sleep in again. (Grumble.)

    1/10/2006 04:27:57 PM

    I-66 said…
    I’m with you. You know that, I’m sure.

    1/10/2006 04:45:37 PM

    chicgirl said…
    i am so sorry velvet. that is just awful and i pray he gets better and has many years ahead…

    1/10/2006 05:00:03 PM

    Thomas said…
    Velvet-Didn’t hear any reply to the comment yesterday… hope things are holding in there. I don’t know if the vet offered the option of an Xray first? They are cheaper and can often be just as diagnostic. A lot of doctors (human, dog, or otherwise) that have the equipment tend to overuse it. Hope they figure something out, and hope that if you get a chance to try an Xray first, it saves you some money!

    1/10/2006 07:01:29 PM

    Reya Mellicker said…
    My dog broke his foot when he was still a puppy. $2,000 later he had a really weird looking but useable foot.

    It’s just money. I’m with you. Sending good energy in your direction (and Sammy’s)!

    1/10/2006 08:22:49 PM

    AsianMistress said…
    If I had 2300, I would use it for that.


    1/10/2006 09:31:12 PM

    Velvet said…
    Thomas – I replied to your comment in an email. You didn’t get it?

    1/10/2006 10:56:22 PM

    Stef said…
    Of course you would spend that money. You’re Sammy’s mom, there’s no question. He looks like such a sweetie, I hope his pain goes away soon. And if you ever feel bad when you get credit card statements in the future, just give him a hug and you’ll remember why it was all worth it.

    I’ll be thinking about you guys tomorrow. Good luck. Maybe there will be a cute vet??? 🙂

    1/10/2006 11:10:37 PM

    Siryn said…
    poor puppy… poor Velvet’s wallet. Hope he’s feeling better today.

    1/10/2006 11:22:08 PM

    Laurie (aka buggy) said…
    Awh poor pup. I hear ya girl. My doggie is 15 and hanging in there but she can’t hear or see very well anymore.
    They are our children!
    Good luck with the Sammy. I hope it all goes well.

    1/10/2006 11:29:27 PM

    Mandy said…
    I completely understand. I remember vividly frantically driving my cat to an emergency vet hospital 20 miles away in the middle of the night when I was in grad school in Wisconsin, on the phone with my credit card company begging them to raise my credit limit. It’s really an indescribably awful feeling when you think you might lose them.

    Pets are family – you spend the money, no questions asked. I’ll be sending lots of good thoughts your way.

    1/11/2006 12:40:00 AM

    Thomas said…
    Didn’t get it. Try


    1/11/2006 12:50:42 AM

    Velvet said…
    Thomas, I resent it.

    1/11/2006 01:34:46 AM

    cupcakegrrl said…
    I just spent several minutes trying to figure out how Thomas giving you his email address filled you with resentment. Doh!

    There’s no question but that it’s money you have to spend. If you didn’t, you’d always wonder.

    Keep us posted on Sammy. Is he eating?

    1/11/2006 10:57:54 AM

    Velvet said…
    I forgot to add the dash. I’ve been beside myself with this doggie.

    Cupcake girl – I emailed back to your comment. Let me know if you get it. Thomas isn’t getting any emails from me, and I’m not sure what’s up.

    1/11/2006 11:01:13 AM

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