Attacking Life with Comedic Jaws of Sarcasm. Recovering Dating & Relationship Blogger - Made it to Step 12 When I Got Married.

New. I’mproved. Slightly Intoxicated.

Wait…not slightly. TOTALLY Intoxicated.

Okay. Here we are. Next night of debauchery. Cowboys in Dallas Texas. No, not boys. Cowboys as in the BAR. Let’s do an inventory:

Pacifico’s: 3

Pina Colada’s: 2

Bud Light: 3

Shots of Whiskey: 1

Yep. I suck. But, it is long overdue. Tomorrow I will be in Las Cruces. So I’m not sure if drunken blogging will occur. But, I’ll try.


  1. Dr. Lucy Coe

    Welcome back Kotter!

    I should be having sex with nameless strangers right now, but instead I’m looking at You-Know-Who lounge on my sofa.

    Oh, and I’m eating a bologna sandwich. Dr. Lucy Coe loves bologna sandwiches.

  2. Lucy Coe's Cat

    Can you PUH-LEAZE incorporate the following phrase into the intro of you next post: “on the quick tip.” PLEASSSSSSE!

  3. Wicked H

    Yee and Ha!!!

  4. Ashburnite

    welcome back, hun.

  5. upstairs neighbor


  6. Phil

    When the words “drunk” and “blog” come into question, the answer is always “yes”.

  7. Velvet

    U.N. – Based on how little I’ve had to drink since, oh, YOU WERE HERE, that was wayyyyy too much for me.

    Ash – I’m just fucking around here. Not putting my heart and soul into it anymore. Actually, I’m not putting my heart and soul into anything anymore.

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