Attacking Life with Comedic Jaws of Sarcasm. Recovering Dating & Relationship Blogger - Made it to Step 12 When I Got Married.

Those Were the Best Days of My Life

Driving to work Monday, I heard an acoustic version of Summer of 69 that I had never heard before. Hearing this totally pure and organic version of its former self, almost (almost) sent a tear roll down my cheek it was just that good. I always liked the original version, but the acoustic version is unbelievable.

Monday night, I was laying in bed, wondering why I had not yet fallen asleep. It was well after midnight and suddenly this thought popped into my head: Years ago, Mr. X and I had some email exchanges that I recall, though not in detail. I wonder if we were to read them now, would they show any evidence of where we’ve ended up? It’s too bad I don’t have them anymore.

Or do I?

I jumped out of bed, fired up the laptop and started combing through my email. I’ve had my main email account for just about 10 years now and I thought there was no way in hell I’d have saved any of these emails, especially since I never could have known the importance and significance they would hold for me, right now, at 12:30 a.m. on a Monday night / Tuesday morning, a little over a year into the best relationship of my life.

When I found an email from October 2000 from the lady from whom I adopted my Sammy dog, I knew I had Oprah’s chances in a Supermarket Sweep that I would find at least one Mr. X email.

“Velvet, I located the information for Tippy…” [that was Sammy’s ‘shelter’ name]

Sigh. I cannot imagine my life without this little dog…the dog who has mysteriously managed to procure a subscription to “Cruising World” magazine. Then I found an email where I placed an ad in the Macon Telegraph in April, 2004 because Thora had run away from the home where my ex was living.

“Black mutt in Bolingbroke, ran off Thursday night during storm. One blue eye, one brown, answers to Thora.”

I never really wanted dogs, but they have taken such a hold of my heart that I can’t imagine life without them. That pet chinchilla was fun, but the dogs are way better.

Then I found the folder that contained a variety of emails, at the very bottom of which I found what I was looking for. Not all of the emails, but emails where he was my boss, and I was his employee and we were discussing work related issues, punctuated by brief asides of a more personal, though not intimate, nature.

From August, 2004, there’s an email where I complained to Mr. X about how we were all being treated at work with our workspaces and he jumped to our department’s defense and ripped some new assholes. There’s another email from later that month where he went head to head with our poor excuse for a Division President, and made the idiot look like, well, an idiot. I started forwarding these emails and then Mr. X called, asking why I was still awake and laughing at how all of this is coming back to him, things he had long forgotten. I said, “You know, it’s the forceful, in-control person in these emails who I fell in love with.”

The original relationship was good. But this? This relationship blows everything else away. I loved my job, but sometimes you have to trade something you love to get something you love more.


  1. Red

    I love this place you are in… This place where you are not only in love but you are truly happy to the core.

  2. zipcode

    Aww thats cute – I hope to hell I get to that point sometime again in my life — its looking bleak though. 🙁

  3. hostess

    …im glad im not the only one that admits acoustic guitar playing often makes me shed tears…

  4. barbara

    You have been going up and up and up since being very far down. I keep thinking you’ve hit the top but you just keep climbing. Falling in love with a friend is the best way to go and you are definitely there. Congratulations!

  5. Gunn Lino

    Thank you for that, I had almost forgotten what it was like. One needs to be reminded now and again just how wonderful it can be.

  6. ma

    I am so happy for you. Just so happy. You deserve this.

  7. Velvet

    Red – I love it too. It’s a good place to be.

    Zippy – I didn’t think I would get there again either. Sometimes what you’re looking for is right in front of your face though. Any chance of that?

    Hostess – Ha! You do have a thing for music and musicians…

    Barbara – Thank you. You’ve seen the worst of the worst OF the worst. Who would have ever thought?

    Gunn Lino – Though sometimes I gross myself out with all of it.

    MA – Thank you!

  8. LivitLuvit

    Teh awesome, girl. I know how you feel… 🙂

    Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

  9. zipcode

    Yes there is a chance of that but he is married, and not biker guy – my best friend thats a guy – so unfortunately I am not big on home wrecking 🙁

  10. Velvet

    LivitLuvit – Thank you thank you!

    Zippy – might be a good time to tell you that Mr. X was married when we first met five years ago. But then life changed and they split up and then two years after all that we got together and here we are! So I wasn’t a homewrecker, and you don’t have to be either, but just standby. Yanno?

  11. mysterygirl!

    This is so great. It’s so much fun to look back at those early correspondences, too, especially when you can see the early glimmers.

  12. bejeweled

    It’s so funny that you posted this. I’ve been trolling through my early emails from the boy too. It’s a good-weird-funny feeling when you read those because of where you are now in the relationship. Who knew!

  13. zipcode

    interesting – question how long were Mr X and ex together before? My buddy and his wife have been together a total of 12 years – 6 married – no kids thus far. We would totally be perfect together – he travels, I travel for work – it just works

  14. Velvet

    Zippy – They were married for 13 years. Are you scratching your chin now? And, uh, 6 years with no kids? Are they planning for them? That can sometimes be the end of a marriage if the kids don’t show up in the womb…

    Bejeweled – It IS weird, but somehow also enlightening.

    MG – I know, it’s fun! Sorry I missed you and K the other night, I had to workout. I’m getting fat(ter.)

  15. zipcode

    I swear velv were we seperated by birth and you got the hot genes! Hmm, I will email you a pic of him and a pic of her – they don’t mesh. When people see him and I together it totally fits – people are like wow – the chemistry! I have never heard him talk about kids – not sure whats up – but he always wants to hang out with me versus her. I mean we spent a whole day in my bed watching Miami Vice one day nothing happened though cause I wouldn’t let it. ah drama

  16. Velvet

    Zippy – Oh my god…did you say Miami Vice in bed? We WERE separated at birth! Don Johnson in the 80’s was the hots hots hots. Wow. And it’s official, you are going to be with this guy. You’re the “emotional affair.” It’s destiny.

  17. zipcode

    by the way you won the caption contest – you tied with liveitluvit…….

    I ran into his wife tonight at dinner – how odd is that………..bahahaha

  18. Phil

    That song rocks.

    One of the first CD’s I ever owned was Bryan Adams.

  19. JohnnyDC

    So X was your boss at one point??


  20. Katherine

    There’s something about “me and my guitar…” Try the acoustic version of Living on a Prayer. That one gets me every time.

  21. wildbill

    Where’s 6’s & 7’s when you need her?

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