Attacking Life with Comedic Jaws of Sarcasm. Recovering Dating & Relationship Blogger - Made it to Step 12 When I Got Married.

Cold November Rain

And so it begins. Every Christmas it never fails that I end up shopping mostly for myself. This year, I’m afraid, will be no different. The bargains are just too amazing to pass up. Oh. Ended a sentence with a preposition. Sorry. Trying again: The bargains are just too amazing to pass up, bitches.

There. Better, yes?

Mr. X and I went out Friday to begin our holiday shopping. I warned him ahead of time that my “holiday shopping” excursions are usually very selfish, narcissistic events. We planned to go to Georgetown, then Bloomingdales because, as we all know, say it with me: “It’s like no other store in the world.” Mommy is at fault for my Bloomingdales addiction as it is the only place she would take me shopping for clothes since the 70’s. Well, until they closed that Bloomingdales and made it into a UConn satellite campus. Then we trekked to the Fag Ship Flagship at 59th Street. How I miss not living close to that store…

We blasted through Georgetown in a couple hours and headed north to Bloomingdales the Eurotrash Mothership in Chevy Chase.

The racks were marked at 40% off. Oh. My. God. Having worked in the buying office from hell, and for the dandy designer from hell who seems to be having his own holiday discount issues, I know all too well that you just don’t go deeper than 30% before the holidays. You just don’t. It’s retail-suicide. Having to take discounts deeper than 40% must have the entire garment district in 911-panic mode. Makes me wonder if they are cutting back severely on their cocaine orders. Or at least not risking bringing it to work anymore for fear someone uses it as an excuse to include them in the next round of layoffs.

Racks at 40% off made me positively gleeful. And they were allowing coupons and gift cards back. What the hell is going on? How bad is retail really doing?

On to Lord and Taylor. Mr. X shares my sentiment that Lord & Taylor has careened downhill faster than Britney did in the post-Federline years, but we poked our heads in anyway. Racks? 50% off. This, my friends, is where I obtained the coups of the month:


Chantelle Bra
Original Price: $64.00
Final Price after discounts, coupons, additional % off: $15.99


Wacoal Bra
Original Price: $51.00
Final Price after discounts, coupons, additional % off: $16.23


Le Mystere Bra
Original Price: $72.00
Final Price after discounts, coupons, additional % off: $26.99

People, screw the economy. Get out there and take advantage while it’s out there for the taking. Mr. X and I refuse to acknowledge a recession. So should you. It’s the only way to get through this. Besides, if that’s not a reason, how about this?

It’s tax-free DC week. Go! Run! Get those bargains!


  1. LiLu

    Oh, how I wish I could! I am shopping vicariously through you!!! Make it worth my while!

  2. JohnnyDC

    bras make me go ahhh.

  3. Phil

    I just purchased 12 jumpsuits for $15 at Burt’s Big & Tall Store for the Gangly and Obese Gentleman.

  4. barbara

    No one is shopping. I noticed that EVERYTHING in REI was on sale today. I was absolutely the only customer in the store. I came back to claim my rebate on 2 items that went on sale after I bought them. Got 2 great vests at 50% off. It’s like the money just dried up in this town. I don’t get it.

  5. Life Breathed Easier

    Ooh, I completely forgot it was tax-free DC week! I just bought myself multiple new pairs of shoes, but a girl can never have too many…. Thanks for the reminder and the inspiration for my next purchases!

  6. gunnlino

    Woman and bras, I know you know this but the girls in satin and lace make us men short of breath, a little crazy and full of lust. Regardless of the cost of the bra.

  7. Anonymous

    Damn, I need new bras too. Christmas come early for mama!

  8. Maxie

    I don’t even bother black friday shopping anymore because I only buy for myself. What can I say, I’m just really easy to buy for.

  9. Dara

    I read this and thought of you.

    As far as I’m concerned, the best thing about the recession is discounted luxury goods.

  10. LindainLA

    What a fabulous site! BTW, Megan answered your question on PRG.

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