Attacking Life with Comedic Jaws of Sarcasm. Recovering Dating & Relationship Blogger - Made it to Step 12 When I Got Married.

We Are Married!

X is officially Mr. Velvet. Or, I am Mrs. X.

Woo Hoo!!!


  1. Cyndy

    Well let me be the first to congratulate you! Or the first blogger anyway. Here’s to living happily ever after.

  2. chris

    Mrs. X!!! Sending you many virtual hugs…wish we could have been there. Can’t wait to see pictures! Email me and let me know where to send a wedding gift or two.

  3. Laura


  4. Washington "Mazel's the X's" Cube

    I thought about you yesterday, wishing blessings across the miles.

    It was record heat here in D.C. I hope Connecticut wasn’t struck down like we were or dealing with that asshole who raced me at the light at 13th street to get himself out of the wrong lane.

    I pictured a blue sky with big puffy clouds for you.

    So. What’s next? 😀

  5. Nesksa

    Congratulations and Best Wishes!!

  6. Jill

    Congratulations to you both! Haven’t commented in a long time but I still check up on you all the time. I hope it was everything you dreamed it would be!

  7. Siryn

    Congrats honey!!! Woohhooooo!!!!

  8. Dagny Taggart


  9. Tyler

    Congrats!! Can’t wait to hear about it!

  10. Sally

    Welcome to the Matrix! Seriously, love a good love story. Thanks for sharing with us.

  11. Barbara

    Congratulations! I’m sure everything came off like clockwork. Can we finally meet Mr. X now that it’s official?!

  12. Carla @ I Run, You Run

    Oh yay, congrats! But I’m looking on Facebook, and where the heck are the pictures? 🙂

  13. JohnnyDC


    Did the dogs take his surname?

  14. Tacoma!


  15. Luna

    Congratulations! I wish you both many, many years of happiness together.

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