Um. I’m uh, at a loss. Here’s where we’re at.
Thursday I ignored MotorcycleInstructor’s call. Then Friday morning he called a couple times, but I called back too late for his lunch invitation. So I went to the doctor to find out my thyroid is all nutty, and he asked me to call him when I left the doctor. I call, tell him what they think, then my boss called and I said I had to click over. I called back after, but never heard back from him all night. I also sent a text message later on in the evening. Ok. Point taken. Guess I’m not the only one who can play games. BUT, I AM the only one in this “relationship” who is Greek, and that allows me the ability to be stubborn and tough as nails. Katalavenis? (It’s “understand?” in Greek. Duh.)
This morning he called, and since I stared at it but didn’t actually answer it, he had to leave a voicemail. He said “Babe! Where have you been? I haven’t heard from you, call me back.” WTF? WTF? WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!? I call back and we start to get into a pissing match about who called who. When I put him on the spot, he develops a stomach cramp and puts me on hold. A STOMACH CRAMP? That’s the fucking best you can do? Christ. It would have been more believable if he said he was being mugged and they were stealing his phone. Or like in Pee Wee Herman when he calls home and the girl says “Maybe when you come back we can go out?” And he blows all this air into the phone and says they have a bad connection. Now, that would have been funnier.
Then he has to load the bikes in the truck, so he says he’ll call back in 5 minutes. I said, “Yeah, we’ll see.” He promised he would. Do you know how many times 5 minutes passed? 12. A full hour. Then I sent a text message, fuming at this point that said “Five Minutes my ass. You are treading on thin ice.” He wrote back and said, “Maybe.” I’m done playing games. Back on the personals. Gotta find more dirt for the blog.
They really only survive in my world for like, 2 weeks, don’t they? Again, all of this should have occured AFTER I GOT MY MOTORCYCLE LICENSE.
Now, last night was positively crazy. I had more alcohol in the evening than I ever have before. Sara and I were counting how much we drank, and we lost count. I think I had 7 or 8 beers. I never drink that much. I’ve also never said the words “I never drink so much” as many times as I have in the past few weeks. I think there’s more drinking tonight for Dana’s birthday. Happy Birthday Dana!
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