Attacking Life with Comedic Jaws of Sarcasm. Recovering Dating & Relationship Blogger - Made it to Step 12 When I Got Married.

When I Look At You I Think That’s Just What I Need

Greetings from the Dog-Infirmary. Thora is vomiting everywhere and Sammy woke up with an eye infection. My poor babies! Is it possible that I’m not as good a mother as I think I am? When Sammy is sick he really brings out the mommy in me. He crawls in my lap and hangs his head really low. It’s very endearing. I’m a sucker. What can I say?

Well, thanks Sharkie for the tip. Who ever would have thought Craigslist would end up being so much fun. Now in addition to checking my regular email, and my Velvet email, I have to check the third, totally anonymous email I set up for tricking men and wreaking havoc. Last week I picked about 10 decent sounding ads and wrote nutty stuff to all of them. Most of it was jibberish and things I would never respond to if it were my ad. But, mostly everyone wrote back. As usual, you narrow down to a few and I just got pictures this morning of the two I thought were the most intelligent and coherent. Surprise, they are both pretty decent looking. Actually, they are beyond 5’s on a scale of 1-10. Those are good odds.

So here lies a theory – the more you pay the worse the chances? It’s Just a Nightmare cost beaucoup de bucks. Any online service is between $20 and $30. Craigslist is free. What the hell.


  1. Kristin

    I am so looking forward to this. I can’t wait to read of your Craigslist dating adventures.

  2. AsianMistress

    I just can’t do craigslist…

  3. Sub Girl

    told ya. craigs aint half-bad.

  4. Larissa

    good luck! i have a friend who met her current boyfriend on her second Craigslist try. now i get to hear all of the lovey dovey details, again and again and again…

  5. Sharkbait

    I will say that I totally lucked out on Craigslist and found an awesome guy. Part of me wishes we met a different way, something romantic and fateful-but not so much. If we didn’t meet that way, we would have never met since we run in different circles…sometimes it makes me wonder. As for right now, I am happy and whatever happens happens.

    I was not expecting a boyfriend coming from craigs..I figured a friend or at least someone to take me out and pay for dinner!! lol

    keep the faith girl keep the faith.

  6. bettyjoan

    I also met my current BF through Craigslist (after hearing how one of my girlfriends found all of her roommates AND her BF there). At first, I felt a little weird when people would ask how we found each other, but now it’s kinda fun freakin’ people out. 🙂

  7. Rhinestone Cowgirl

    This should be interesting. 🙂

  8. Velvet

    RC – I will need your writing skills to write back to some of these freaks. Look out. Will start forwarding emails. Still laughing at that thing you wrote to the guy looking for the belly dancer. “I will be there 26-4 days.” Awesome.

  9. Rhinestone Cowgirl

    🙂 My writing pen is at your command!

  10. Stef

    I hope the puppies feel better! Your girl dog has the same name as my boss, which is unusual but certainly conjures up images. 🙂

    I look forward to Craigs stories!

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