Attacking Life with Comedic Jaws of Sarcasm. Recovering Dating & Relationship Blogger - Made it to Step 12 When I Got Married.

White Trashing It, Coast to Coast

Today I did something I never do. I went to Wal-Mart. Three times actually. First time I forgot my wallet. Second time I forgot to buy half the shit I needed.

Third time I got it all as well as this mighty gem of a picture.

Today’s roll-back special? The Do-It-Yourself divorce kit, clearance price: $3.00.


  1. Lucy Coe's Cat

    Three dollars for a divorce???? I refuse to pay more than two dollah for MY divorce!!!! LOL two dollah!!!!

  2. Alena

    That picture is comedy gold. By the way, this is my official delurking… just wanted to say hi and that I’m glad you brought your blog back!

  3. Tacoma!

    Hurrah! Velvet’s back- or away…
    Let me know if you swing by the NW, we’ll do something fun- or illegal (maybe you should get that book!)

  4. Velvet

    Lucy Coe’s Cat – Meow.

    Alena – Thanks. I’m really just fucking around though. I won’t be writing like before. There will be no pouring out of heart here, because, that caused a lot of trouble.

    Tacoma! – Ugh. After driving out here, I can’t even imagine driving home. Luckily I have places to stop (and drink) along the way. But still, I can’t believe I did it. I always said I would drive cross country again and I’ve officially done it now, twice.

  5. Chico's Bail Bonds

    I just cracked myself up picturing the little bouncy yellow smiley face carrying that book to an unsuspecting couple in Wal-Mart… I think I have problems.

    Come back to visit Miami! I promise to buy you a drink or 70.

  6. Dara

    Now I need to get a hold of that $3.00 divorce kit, just to see if my law school education was worth all the money.

    Glad you’re back.

  7. Velvet

    Dara I’ll go buy it for you if you want. Let me know. They had plenty left…

  8. b

    lol!! excellent pic

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