Attacking Life with Comedic Jaws of Sarcasm. Recovering Dating & Relationship Blogger - Made it to Step 12 When I Got Married.

The Trifecta

Um. Wow. I don’t know what to say. Seems we all love a good DC Cops bashing festival.

DC Blogs:


Post Express:

Thanks all. You can’t see it from where you sit, but I’m blushing.


  1. Mel

    Very cool that you’re feeling the DC love.

    Even if it’s not by the cops…

  2. johnny

    Why do I sense a SWAT raid coming to a Dupont Circle apartment near you?


  3. Raincouver

    Well, I stand corrected. It seems that the collective wisdom points to a warrant for action. Do give an update!


  4. Barbara

    Is this the Blogging equivalent of hitting a home-run? And here I thought I was doing good with mentions in Wonkette and the Blackberry Weblog! Alas, as of today I am back to my faithful readers with no extra boost. Anyway, congrats to you. The cop story was definitely deserving of notice!

  5. homeimprovementninja

    Wow! You’re like famous. I mean, like even more famous than before 😉

  6. Eternal Freshman

    Good for you! Velvet gets showered with love.

  7. KassyK

    SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!! You deserve…Your writing is sharp and so are you–truer words have never been spoken. 🙂

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